Access thousands of jobs at any time
Get instant access to a platform of over 195,000 cleaning jobs – having thousands of customers at your fingertips. More and more jobs are being added daily, in your area and London-wide.
What you need to start is:
- To be over 18 years old
- To have a UK Bank Account
- To have a Smartphone
- To be legally allowed to work in the UK
- To be registered as self-empoyed (have a UTR number)
Get more income and less admin
While working with Pro2Help you can make between £13/£14 per hour as a cleaner based on your performance, with professionals doing between 40 – 50 hours a week.
Pro2Help’s top professionals make more than £2,500 per month. All your earnings are directly deposited weekly into your bank account.
Easy app management
Owing to Pro2Help’s partnership with Fantastic Services, we use technology that has been perfected over the last 12 years. Throughout the years by growing and gaining experience Fantastic Services has developed the BFantastic app to a point where it offers anything you might need.
It is an easy-to-use, accessible smartphone app. With the click of a few buttons you can decide when, how many hours and in which areas you want to work. Of course, you can as well, change this on the go when needed.
The platform offers a huge variety of functions, such as – managing your entire service schedule, contacting the customers, checking your performance, contacting our Support team via Chat.
Enjoy attractive rewards
High quality performance revolves around setting milestones, staying focused, keeping effective communication and being consistent with the missions and philosophy of providing services people love.
Achievements and high quality performance is rewarded with bonus payments and other perks with a few easy steps.
As a company we value the cleaning professionals’ references. If you have a friend, they apply and start working, you’ll be rewarded for that as well.